Naked Clay Ceramics

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What rituals help you start or end your day?

In a life that can be driven by technology, clock hands and digital seconds we all need spaces, pauses. The tiniest space to breathe, to prepare, for ..... For some of us that space lies in those morning rituals. Perhaps a quiet, anytime of day unobserved retreat from the world to catch your breath. Or the before bedtime pause to be grateful for the privilege of seeing not only the beginning, but also the end of this day. Pause, slow, stop. And in those spaces time to connect with something personal, special, precious. The taste of good food or drink, a pleasing sound, a delicious smell, a beautiful sight, a comforting touch. Delight in the things you have intentionally chosen to bring into your home to help you reconnect to yourself and the moments of joy to be had in the world.